Bite of Reality with Greater Nevada Credit Union - 2/22/2025
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Date: Sat Feb 22, 11:30 AM PST - Sat Feb 22, 12:30 PM PST
  • Life Skills
  • Cadettes,
  • Seniors,
  • Ambassadors

Girl Scouts are given a fictional occupation, salary, credit score, spouse and child, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. The Girl Scouts will then have the chance to "purchase" housing, transportation, food, clothing, and other needs.

This interactive activity will teach Girl Scouts how to make financial decisions and give them a better understanding of the challenges of living on a budget. Girl Scouts may have to deal with a pushy "car salesperson" and a commission-based "realtor" and ultimately weigh their wants versus their needs.

  • When: Saturday, Feb, 22nd
  • Where: Reno, NV 89503
  • Who: 7th-12th Cadette, Senior, Ambassadors 
  • Cost: $20 per Girl
  • Registration Deadline:  2/10/2025
  • Questions?