The Girl Scouts of Sierra Nevada believes that Girl Scouting should be accessible to every girl and her family. We offer financial aid for qualifying members for girl membership, uniforms, programs, and camps on a first come, first serve basis. To apply for financial aid please fill out the following form(s)
Financial Assistance Form Camp and Programs
Financial Assistance Form Membership
Financial Assistance Form Uniforms
All information on this application is treated confidentially. The application must be complete to receive consideration. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Only one applicant per form.
Participation in the annual Product Sales programs, held during the time of your registration, is required to receive future financial assistance funds. Financial assistance can be awarded only to girls who have a current membership with Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada.
Financial assistance is available to those with true financial hardship; availability is based on need and circumstances. Unfortunately, not all requests can be approved.
Each family should contribute as much as it can toward the cost of the Girl Scout program A partial payment or deposit will be required for all programs ($5 min) and camps ($50 min).
We will contact you for any additional amount due before completing your registration
If award financial assistance and you do not show for the program, camp or event, financial assistance will not be granted for the remainder of the membership year.