Girl Scouts of the USA offers recognition to registered adult members for years they have served as an active adult volunteer in Girl Scouts, awarded in five-year increments. This pin differs from the membership numeral guard in that it represents the number of years an adult volunteer has actively provided service, whereas the numeral guard recognizes years of membership only. This optional pin can be purchased at any time.
These pins are awarded to any Girl Scout volunteer who has served a minimum of five years as a volunteer. The five years do not have to be in a single role or position. These pins are available in five-year increments.
o Any Girl Scout adult meeting the criteria may submit an online self-report form by Mar 1, 2025 to be recognized at the council’s Volunteer Recognition Reception in May 2025..
o 5- and 10-year pins will be mailed to the recipient.
Please note that service units are responsible for maintaining service records for their volunteers.