It all starts here. Juniors team up with fellow Girl Scouts to explore their community, discover a need or issue they care about, and work together to address it. It’s a chance to create a plan and make an impact on the community they live in.
Are in fourth or fifth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Junior
Have completed a Junior Journey
Build your Girl Scout Junior team
Explore your community
Decide on a project to work on
Make a plan of action
Put your plan in motion
Download the following documents in preparation for your Bronze Award Training. Here's everything you need to succeed:
Girl Guidelines:
Girl Scout Bronze Award
Adult Guidelines:
Girl Scout Bronze Award
Have a project idea? Just fill out the Bronze Award Proposal
Once your Bronze Award project is complete, fill out the Bronze Award Final Report and send it to the GSSN Reno Service Center c/o Awards. Each girl needs to fill out her own report.
Dont forget to submit your bio and photos here, Higher Awards Bios and Photos Form. To be included in the current years' program, submit your bios and photos by March 15th.
Questions about earning your Bronze Award? We're here to help! Contact us at or 775-322-0642.